6 ways to cook fish – simple and delicious
Like fish has such a small amount of connective tissue, it requires very little kitchen. If it is too cooked, the flakes collapse and the fibers become difficult, dry and insipid. There are several ways to cook fish, but the […]
Like fish has such a small amount of connective tissue, it requires very little kitchen. If it is too cooked, the flakes collapse and the fibers become difficult, dry and insipid. There are several ways to cook fish, but the cooking process should, in general, be short and mild. Although the nets are more popular, most cooks agree that fish on the bone – as with meat – has more flavor.
Frying –
This is a popular method and fish can be both shallow or fried. For both processes, the flesh of the fish should be covered with eggs and breadcrumbs, fat pulp, flour or oats – to protect the delicate flesh. Usually, fish fillets are cooked in this way. A vegetable oil should be used (if a deep fry, the oil should only be used for fish), but a combination of butter and oil is the best and most tasty for shallow frying.
Grill –
This method is used for whole fish, steaks, nets and chops, especially fat fish such as mackerel, salmon and trout. The flesh is usually marked with a knife (if the fish is on the bone) to ensure a cooking even and a thorough cooking. The fish must be dotted with butter to prevent drying. The grill must be set to moderate heat, rather than high, so that the fish does not dry. The smaller the fish, the higher the grill. Line the grill with sheet so that the pan and rack did not have abandoned fish aromas.
Pastry –
The fish can be cooked whole, brushed butter or oil, and stuffed; They can be opened or slightly covered with buttered sheet for protection. They can also be cooked in a liquid (milk, sauce, wine or stock).
Poaching –
This method ensures that fish remains wet throughout the cooking. Fish is cooked in a liquid, such as fish stock, wine, water or milk. which can be flavored with herbs, a little onion or lemon juice. The fish can be cooked on the stove in a saucepan or kettle of fish, or in the oven. If the pan is not covered, the fish must be frequently frequented. The cooking liquid is generally used as a base for the annexed sauce.
Steamed –
The fish is cooked in steam above a pan of trembling water. It must be placed between two buttered plates or on a sheet covered with the leaf to prevent natural juices escaping into the water below.
Foil –
Fish, whole or in nets or steaks can be wrapped in aluminum, greases or cellophane with various aromas (butter, lemon juice, wine, onion, garlic, herbs) and poached, steamed, steam, Baked or baked All the essential flavors and juices are kept, making it one of the best ways to cook the fish.